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List of Earth and Planetary Sciences Journals

This web page aims to provide a list of Earth and Planetary Sciences journals. The journals are indexed in Web of Science (SCI),and Scopus.

140 Earth and Planetary Sciences journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.

List of Earth and Planetary Sciences journals
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherSJR
1Geoplanning23556544Diponegoro University0.183
2Revista Brasileira de Cartografia05604613, 18080936Sociedade Brasileira de Cartografia, Geodesia, Fotogrametria e Sensoriamento Remoto0.147
3KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information25244957, 25244965Springer International Publishing AG0.734
4Kartograficke Listy13365274, 27298094Cartographic Society of the Slovak Republic0.122
5Acta Geographica Universitatis Comenianae13386034Comenius University in Bratislava0.167
6Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis25098829Springer Nature Switzerland AG0.743
7ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information22209964MDPI AG0.738
8Survey Review17522706, 00396265Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.411
9Arktika: Ekologia i Ekonomika22234594Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences0.377
10International Journal of Cartography23729341Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.299
11Journal of Geodetic Science20819943De Gruyter Open Ltd.0.239
12Acta Hydrologica Slovaca26444690Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Hydrology0.159
13Photogrammetric Record14779730, 0031868XWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd0.421
14Journal of Geo-Information Science15608999Science Press0.298
15Korean Journal of Remote Sensing22879307, 12256161Korean Society of Remote Sensing0.246
16Ukrainian Geographical Journal15614980National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine0.201
17International Journal of Astrobiology14735504Cambridge University Press0.295
18Earth's Cryosphere15607496Publishing House of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences0.281
19Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences846597Annual Reviews Inc.6.083
20Earth and Planetary Science Letters0012821XElsevier BV2.416
21Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets21699100, 21699097Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd1.989
22Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth21699356, 21699313Wiley-Blackwell1.742
23Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans21699291, 21699275Wiley-Blackwell1.42
24Carbon Balance and Management17500680BioMed Central Ltd.1.106
25Planetary Science Journal26323338IOP Publishing Ltd.0.935
26Advances in Space Research02731177, 18791948Elsevier Ltd.0.599
27Annales Geophysicae14320576, 09927689European Geosciences Union0.572
28All Earth27669645Informa UK Limited0.267
29Earth, Moon and Planets15730794, 01679295Springer Netherlands0.232
30International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation1872826X, 15698432Elsevier1.628
31Earth Surface Processes and Landforms1979337John Wiley and Sons Ltd1.177
32Quaternary Research335894Cambridge University Press0.86
33Journal of Palaeogeography (Chinese Edition)16711505Science Press (China)0.612
34Natures Sciences Societes12401307, 17652979EDP Sciences0.172
35Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems19422466Wiley-Blackwell3.605
36Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres2169897X, 21698996Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd1.798
37Anthropocene22133054Elsevier BV0.934
38Advances in Geosciences16807340, 16807359European Geosciences Union0.443
39Comptes Rendus - Geoscience16310713, 17787025Academie des sciences0.431
40Climate Change Research16731719National Climate Center0.308
41Quaternary Science Advances26660334Elsevier Ltd.0.975
42Quaternary2571550XMDPI AG0.743
43Quaternary Sciences10017410Science Press (China)0.401
44Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives Bulletin8409331Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives0.121
45Erosion Control10737227Forester Communications Inc.0.101
46One Ecosystem23678194Pensoft Publishers0.717
47Terra403741Geographical Society of Finland0.17
48Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales23824980, 03703908Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences0.162
49Polar Geography19390513, 1088937XTaylor and Francis Ltd.0.765
50Nature Conservation Research2500008XFund for Support and Development of Protected Areas0.431
51Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A: Science10286276Springer International Publishing AG0.34
52South African Journal of Science03708462, 00382353Academy of Science of South Africa0.34
53Uniciencia22153470Universidad Nacional0.236
54Standort1743635Springer Verlag0.215
55AAPP Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali03650359, 18251242Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti0.208
56Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya Geografiya5799414Moskovskij Universitet0.197
57Granja13908596, 13903799Universidad Politecnica Salesiana0.181
58Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences23375760Institute for Research and Community Services, Institut Teknologi Bandung0.176
59Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki2542064X, 2500218XKazan Federal University0.135
60Corporate and Business Strategy Review27089924, 27084965Virtus Interpress0.122
61Arctic Science23687460Canadian Science Publishing0.795
62Acta Palaeobotanica16594W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences0.341
63Rendiconti Lincei11206349, 17200776Springer-Verlag Italia Srl0.318
64Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa0035919X, 21540098Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.278
65Aerospace Systems25233955Springer Science + Business Media0.261
66Czech Polar Reports18050689, 18050697EMUNI Press0.256
67Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus13317768, 13317776University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering0.216
68Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment9720626International Congress of Chemistry and Environment0.123
69Geography Compass17498198Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd1.65
70Disasters03613666, 14677717Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd0.831
71Die Erde139998Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin0.362
72Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos sobre Reduccion del Riesgo de Desastres7198477Corporation for the Management and Reduction of Disaster Risk in Chile (GRID-Chile)0.197
73Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories19984502, 2499975XNorth Caucasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, State Technological University0.492
74Spatial Economic Analysis17421780, 17421772Routledge0.626
75Pirineos19884281, 03732568CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas0.192
76Prace i Studia Geograficzne2084589Warsaw University0.116
77Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics10969845, 00988847John Wiley and Sons Ltd1.714
78AAPG Bulletin1491423American Association of Petroleum Geologists1.623
79Fire25716255MDPI AG0.779
80Geoheritage18672477, 18672485Springer Verlag0.76
81Hungarian Geographical Bulletin20645147, 20645031Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical Research Institute0.424
82Progress in Geography10076301Editorial office of Progress in Geography0.423
83International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology20427808, 20427816Inderscience Enterprises Ltd0.384
84Clays and Clay Minerals00098604, 15528367Clay Minerals Society0.37
85Regional Research of Russia20799713, 20799705Pleiades Publishing0.344
86Rudarsko Geolosko Naftni Zbornik03534529, 18490409University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering0.328
87Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy25726846, 25726838Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.282
88Geo-Eco-Marina12246808, 22482776Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Geologie si Geoecologie Marina0.184
89Disaster Advances22784543, 0974262XDisaster Advances0.156
90Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten25968VDE Verlag GmbH0.134
91Springer Geography21943168, 2194315XSpringer Nature0.102
92China Geology20965192KeAi Communications Co.0.728
93Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography18632351, 18632246Springer Berlin0.232
94Radiocarbon338222Cambridge University Press4.271
95IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine21686831IEEE Geosciene and Remote Sensing Society2.539
96IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing15580644, 01962892Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.2.4
97Geoscientific Model Development1991959X, 19919603Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH2.225
98Acta Geotechnica18611125, 18611133Springer Verlag2.067
99Geotechnique17517656, 00168505ICE Publishing2.042
100Hydrology and Earth System Sciences10275606, 16077938European Geosciences Union1.777
101Elements18115209Mineralogical Society of America1.551
102Geobiology14724677, 14724669Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd1.441
103Progress in Disaster Science25900617Elsevier Ltd.1.194
104Cold Regions Science and Technology18727441, 0165232XElsevier1.135
105Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies22145818Elsevier BV1.085
106Journal of Quaternary Science02678179, 10991417John Wiley and Sons Ltd0.987
107Progress in Physical Geography14770296, 03091333SAGE Publications Ltd0.974
108Geotechnique Letters20452543ICE Publishing0.952
109Hydrogeology Journal14312174, 14350157Springer Heidelberg0.87
110Petroleum Geoscience13540793Geological Society of London0.868
111Acta Geographica Sinica3755444Science Press0.863
113PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science25122819, 25122789Springer International Publishing AG0.801
114Geoarchaeology - An International Journal08836353, 15206548John Wiley & Sons Inc.0.777
115Natural Hazards15730840, 0921030XSpringer Netherlands0.747
116Chinese Geographical Science10020063, 1993064XScience Press0.731
117Journal of Petroleum Geology17475457, 01416421Wiley-Blackwell0.694
118Diqiu Kexue - Zhongguo Dizhi Daxue Xuebao/Earth Science - Journal of China University of Geosciences10002383China University of Geosciences0.656
119World Archaeology14701375, 00438243Routledge0.643
120Polar Science18739652Elsevier0.602
121Journal of Maps17445647Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.586
122Geo-Marine Letters02760460, 14321157Springer Verlag0.544
123Remote Sensing Letters2150704X, 21507058Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.54
124Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering13532618, 17518563ICE Publishing0.53
125Moravian Geographical Reports12108812Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic0.52
126Applied Geomatics1866928X, 18669298Springer Verlag0.515
127GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics18692672, 18692680Springer Verlag0.484
128Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing09743006, 0255660XSpringer India0.467
129Southern African Geographical Journal03736245, 21512418Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.465
130Geografisk Tidsskrift167223Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.452
131Radio Science00486604, 1944799XWiley-Blackwell0.434
132Cuadernos de Investigacion Geografica02116820, 16979540University of La Rioja0.433
133Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift15025292, 00291951Taylor and Francis AS0.425
134SN Applied Sciences25233971Springer Nature0.424
135Hupo Kexue/Journal of Lake Sciences10035427Science Press0.42
136National Remote Sensing Bulletin10074619Science Press0.409
137Chemistry and Ecology02757540, 10290370Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.405
138Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis14677873Geological Society of London0.402
139New Zealand Geographer17457939, 00288144Wiley-Blackwell0.38
140Acta Geographica Slovenica15816613, 15818314ZRC SAZU, Zalozba ZRC0.367

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