List of Decision Sciences Journals

This web page aims to provide a list of Decision Sciences journals. The journals are indexed in Web of Science (SCI),and Scopus.

100 Decision Sciences journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.

List of Decision Sciences journals
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherSJR
1Journal of Enterprise Information Management17410398Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.1.242
2Group Decision and Negotiation09262644, 15729907Springer Netherlands0.631
3Theory and Decision15737187, 00405833Springer Netherlands0.417
4Periodica Polytechnica, Social and Management Sciences14163837, 15873803Budapest University of Technology and Economics0.324
5Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports15590410Walter de Gruyter GmbH0.292
6International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing17427223, 17427231Inderscience Publishers0.163
7Corporate and Business Strategy Review27089924, 27084965Virtus Interpress0.122
8Studies in Systems, Decision and Control21984182, 21984190Springer International Publishing AG0.11
9Lancet Digital Health, The25897500Elsevier Ltd.6.433
10Organizational Research Methods15527425, 10944281SAGE Publications Inc.4.626
11Communications in Transportation Research27724247Tsinghua University Press3.188
12Structural Equation Modeling15328007, 10705511Psychology Press Ltd3.014
13International Journal of Management Reviews14608545, 14682370Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd2.857
14International Journal of Operations and Production Management17586593, 01443577Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.2.618
15Journal of Environmental Informatics17262135, 16848799International Society for Environmental Information Sciences1.681
16Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering26200104, 256060181.579
17Management Learning14617307, 13505076SAGE Publications Ltd1.574
18Ecological Indicators1470160XElsevier1.396
19Journal of Management Science and Engineering20962320, 25895532KeAi Communications Co.1.384
20Patterns26663899Cell Press1.34
21Journal of Sport Management1543270X, 08884773Human Kinetics Publishers Inc.1.219
22International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings-Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)1.214
23Annals of Operations Research02545330, 15729338Springer Netherlands1.046
24Judgment and Decision Making19302975Society for Judgment and Decision Making1.046
25Research in Transportation Business and Management22105395Elsevier BV0.976
26Journal of Behavioral Decision Making08943257, 10990771John Wiley and Sons Ltd0.822
27TQM Journal17542731Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.0.734
28MIT Sloan Management Review15329194Massachusetts Institute of Technology0.675
29Decision Analysis15458504, 15458490INFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences0.648
30Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education15404609, 15404595John Wiley and Sons Ltd0.604
31Journal of Organizational Change Management9534814Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.0.603
32Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory1381298XKluwer Academic Publishers0.595
33Journal of Modelling in Management17465672, 17465664Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.0.577
34Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis10579214, 10991360John Wiley and Sons Ltd0.488
35Foresight and STI Governance23129972National Research University, Higher School of Economics0.467
36Journal of Futures Studies10276084Tamkang University0.423
37Decision Science Letters19295804, 19295812Growing Science0.392
38International Journal of Agile Systems and Management17419174, 17419182Inderscience Publishers0.367
39Mendel18033814Brno University of Technology0.363
40Vikalpa23953799, 02560909SAGE Publications Ltd0.346
41International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies15483665, 15483657IGI Publishing0.331
42International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research17575850, 17575869Inderscience Publishers0.321
43EURO Journal on Decision Processes21939446, 21939438Elsevier BV0.303
44International Journal of Crowd Science23987294Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.0.295
45International Journal of Management and Decision Making14624621, 17415187Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.0.289
46International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process193667440.284
47Advances in Decision Sciences20903367, 20903359Asia University0.273
48Valori e Valutazioni20362404Societa Italiana di Estimo e Valutazione (SIEV)0.241
49International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing19478283, 19478291IGI Global Publishing0.238
50Journal of Systems Science and Information14789906, 25126660Science Press (China)0.195
51Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan4534514Operations Research Society of Japan0.186
52Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi25023357, 25030477Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum0.18
53Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies21903026, 21903018Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH0.17
54Transactional Analysis Journal23295244, 03621537Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.159
55International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management1479313X, 14793121Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.0.132
56International Journal of Professional Business Review25253654AOS-Estratagia and Inovacao0.121
57Mathematica Applicanda17302668, 22994009Polish Mathematical Society0.115
58Decyzje2391761X, 17330092Kozminski University -Center of Economic Psychology and Decision Sciences0.104
59Operations Management Education Review16497082, 20444567NeilsonJournals Publishing0.101
60Decision Analytics Journal27726622Elsevier Inc.
61Natures Sciences Societes12401307, 17652979EDP Sciences0.172
62Social Science Computer Review15528286, 08944393SAGE Publications Inc.1.662
63Geography Compass17498198Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd1.65
64Scientometrics15882861, 01389130Akademiai Kiado1.019
65Disasters03613666, 14677717Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd0.831
66Arctic Science23687460Canadian Science Publishing0.795
67Polar Geography19390513, 1088937XTaylor and Francis Ltd.0.765
68Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis25098829Springer Nature Switzerland AG0.743
69ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information22209964MDPI AG0.738
70KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information25244957, 25244965Springer International Publishing AG0.734
71Modeling Earth Systems and Environment23636203, 23636211Springer International Publishing AG0.727
72One Ecosystem23678194Pensoft Publishers0.717
73Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management23833866, 23833572GJESM Publication0.555
74Social Science Information05390184, 14617412SAGE Publications Ltd0.464
75Nature Conservation Research2500008XFund for Support and Development of Protected Areas0.431
76Photogrammetric Record14779730, 0031868XWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd0.421
77Survey Review17522706, 00396265Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.411
78Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian01639269, 15444546Routledge0.398
79Arktika: Ekologia i Ekonomika22234594Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences0.377
80Die Erde139998Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin0.362
81Acta Palaeobotanica16594W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences0.341
82Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A: Science10286276Springer International Publishing AG0.34
83South African Journal of Science03708462, 00382353Academy of Science of South Africa0.34
84Agraris25279238, 2407814XDepartment of Agribusiness, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta0.331
85Rendiconti Lincei11206349, 17200776Springer-Verlag Italia Srl0.318
86International Journal of Cartography23729341Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.299
87Journal of Geo-Information Science15608999Science Press0.298
88Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa0035919X, 21540098Taylor and Francis Ltd.0.278
89Aerospace Systems25233955Springer Science + Business Media0.261
90Czech Polar Reports18050689, 18050697EMUNI Press0.256
91Korean Journal of Remote Sensing22879307, 12256161Korean Society of Remote Sensing0.246
92Journal of Geodetic Science20819943De Gruyter Open Ltd.0.239
93Uniciencia22153470Universidad Nacional0.236
94Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus13317768, 13317776University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering0.216
95Standort1743635Springer Verlag0.215
96Economia Agro-Alimentare19724802, 11261668FrancoAngeli Edizioni0.211
97AAPP Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali03650359, 18251242Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti0.208
98Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos sobre Reduccion del Riesgo de Desastres7198477Corporation for the Management and Reduction of Disaster Risk in Chile (GRID-Chile)0.197
99Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya Geografiya5799414Moskovskij Universitet0.197
100Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture10021248Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences0.188

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