This web page aims to provide a list of Civil and Structural Engineering journals. The journals are indexed in Web of Science (SCI),and Scopus.
140 Civil and Structural Engineering journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.
S. No. | Journal Title | ISSN | Publisher | SJR |
1 | Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters | 20950349 | Elsevier BV | 0.552 |
2 | Structure and Infrastructure Engineering | 17448980, 15732479 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.053 |
3 | Journal of Engineering (United Kingdom) | 23144912, 23144904 | Hindawi Limited | 0.432 |
4 | Nuclear Future | 17452058 | The British Nuclear Energy Society | 0.104 |
5 | Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics | 02668920, 18784275 | Elsevier Ltd. | 0.845 |
6 | Innovative Infrastructure Solutions | 23644176, 23644184 | Springer International Publishing AG | 0.491 |
7 | World Journal of Engineering | 17085284 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 0.33 |
8 | Journal of Mining Science and Technology | 20962193 | Emergency Management Press | |
9 | International Journal of Impact Engineering | 0734743X | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.502 |
10 | Open Engineering | 23915439 | De Gruyter Open Ltd. | 0.193 |
11 | Advances in Military Technology | 18022308 | University of Defence | 0.155 |
12 | Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines | 15397742, 15397734 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.646 |
13 | Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures | 16797825, 16797817 | Marc??lio Alves | 0.345 |
14 | Energy | 18736785, 03605442 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.989 |
15 | Journal of King Saud University, Engineering Sciences | 10183639 | King Saud University | 0.763 |
16 | International Journal of Dynamics and Control | 2195268X, 21952698 | Springer International Publishing AG | 0.44 |
17 | Mechanical Sciences | 2191916X, 21919151 | Copernicus GmbH | 0.347 |
18 | Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina | 13354205, 25857878 | University of Zilina | 0.24 |
19 | Civil Engineering Journal (Iran) | 26766957, 24763055 | Salehan Institute of Higher Education | 0.846 |
20 | Optimization and Engineering | 13894420 | Springer Netherlands | 0.596 |
21 | Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | 16713664, 1993503X | Science Press | 0.581 |
22 | International Journal of Integrated Engineering | 2229838X | Penerbit UTHM | 0.2 |
23 | Tunnel Construction | 20964498 | Editorial Office of Tunnel Construction | |
24 | Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing | 08883270, 10961216 | Academic Press Inc. | 2.475 |
25 | Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering | 20967187 | Editorial Office of Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering | 0.907 |
26 | Transportation Engineering | 2666691X | Elsevier Ltd. | 0.864 |
27 | Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of China University of Mining and Technology | 10001964 | China University of Mining and Technology | 0.747 |
28 | International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics | 2194554 | World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd | 0.742 |
29 | HardwareX | 24680672 | Elsevier Ltd. | 0.508 |
30 | Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology | 21967202, 21967210 | Springer Nature Switzerland AG | 0.435 |
31 | Shock and Vibration | 10709622, 18759203 | Hindawi Limited | 0.347 |
32 | Scientia Iranica | 10263098 | Sharif University of Technology | 0.292 |
33 | Nigerian Journal of Technological Development | 24372110, 01899546 | University of Ilorin, Faculty of Engineering and Technology | 0.15 |
34 | Sustainable Civil Infrastructures | 23663405, 23663413 | Springer Science and Business Media B.V. | 0.141 |
35 | Proceedings - Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference | 10459065 | Society of Mining | 0.104 |
36 | International Journal of Mechanical Sciences | 207403 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.532 |
37 | Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport | 24501549, 02093324 | Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering, Silesian University of Technology | 0.168 |
38 | Journal of Energy Engineering - ASCE | 7339402 | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 0.527 |
39 | Georisk | 17499518, 17499526 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.207 |
40 | International Journal of Ventilation | 14733315 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.345 |
41 | Journal of the Korean Society for Railway | 17386225, 22882235 | Korean Society for Railway | 0.209 |
42 | Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics | 10969845, 00988847 | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | 1.714 |
43 | Energy and Buildings | 3787788 | Elsevier BV | 1.608 |
44 | Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering | 1570761X | Springer Netherlands | 1.233 |
45 | Underground Space (China) | 20962754, 24679674 | Tongji University Press | 1.189 |
46 | International Journal of Sustainable Transportation | 15568334, 15568318 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.146 |
47 | Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering | 23350164, 03542025 | University of Nis | 0.885 |
48 | Journal of Earthquake Engineering | 13632469, 1559808X | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.799 |
49 | Journal of Hydroinformatics | 14647141, 14651734 | IWA Publishing | 0.621 |
50 | Advances in Aerodynamics | 25246992 | Springer Nature | 0.598 |
51 | Infrastructures | 24123811 | Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | 0.527 |
52 | Urban Rail Transit | 21996679, 21996687 | Springer Verlag | 0.487 |
53 | Fusion Science and Technology | 15361055 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.472 |
54 | International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management | 21532648 | 0.389 | |
55 | Geotechnical Special Publication | 8950563 | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 0.244 |
56 | Journal of Applied Engineering Science | 18213197, 14514117 | Institute for Educational Research | 0.215 |
57 | Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering | 16732049 | 0.199 | |
58 | Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences | 25437496, 17329353 | Warsaw University of Life Sciences Press | 0.192 |
59 | Civil Engineering | 00097853, 08857024, 03600556, 23810688 | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 0.104 |
60 | Energia Elettrica | 137308 | Associazione Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica Italiana | 0.102 |
61 | Geotextiles and Geomembranes | 2661144 | Elsevier BV | 1.864 |
62 | Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering | 7232632 | Springer-Verlag Wien | 1.849 |
63 | Canadian Geotechnical Journal | 12086010, 00083674 | National Research Council of Canada | 1.607 |
64 | Geosynthetics International | 10726349, 17517613 | ICE Publishing | 1.319 |
65 | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering | 2677261 | Elsevier BV | 1.251 |
66 | Transportation Geotechnics | 22143912 | Elsevier BV | 1.229 |
67 | Soils and Foundations | 380806 | Japanese Geotechnical Society | 1.227 |
68 | Yanshilixue Yu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering | 10006915 | Academia Sinica | 0.684 |
69 | Research in Engineering Design - Theory, Applications, and Concurrent Engineering | 14356066, 09349839 | Springer London | 0.679 |
70 | Fusion Engineering and Design | 9203796 | Elsevier BV | 0.672 |
71 | Geomechanics and Engineering | 20926219, 2005307X | Techno Press | 0.656 |
72 | Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering | 11749857 | New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering | 0.61 |
73 | Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics | 10007598 | Academia Sinica | 0.606 |
74 | Periodica Polytechnica: Civil Engineering | 05536626, 15873773 | Budapest University of Technology and Economics | 0.402 |
75 | Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering | 22286160 | Springer International Publishing AG | 0.345 |
76 | Zhendong Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Vibration Engineering | 10044523 | Nanjing University of Aeronautics an Astronautics | 0.254 |
77 | Geomechanik und Tunnelbau | 18657362, 18657389 | Ernst & Sohn | 0.24 |
78 | International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation | 2226809X, 22235329 | Taiwan Association of Engineering and Technology Innovation | 0.233 |
79 | Larhyss Journal | 11123680, 25219782 | Research Laboratory in Subterranean and Surface Hydraulics, University of Biskra | 0.214 |
80 | Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica | 1376365 | Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej | 0.204 |
81 | Geotechnical Engineering | 465828 | Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society | 0.171 |
82 | Dams and Reservoirs | 17568404, 13681494 | ICE Publishing | 0.145 |
83 | Journal of Ship Research | 224502 | Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers | 0.533 |
84 | Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics | 18676944, 18676936 | Springer Verlag | 0.475 |
85 | Journal of Aerospace Engineering | 8931321 | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 0.445 |
86 | International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering | 10535381 | International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers | 0.367 |
87 | Promet - Traffic - Traffico | 3535320 | Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb | 0.312 |
88 | Research on Engineering Structures and Materials | 21494088, 21489807 | MIM Research Group | 0.191 |
89 | Chinese Journal of Engineering Design | 1006754X | Zhejiang University Press | 0.146 |
90 | Maritime by Holland | 22113444 | Navingo BV | 0.102 |
91 | Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal | 22150986 | Elsevier BV | 1.036 |
92 | International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration | 23945443, 23947454 | Accent Social and Welfare Society | 0.196 |
93 | Smart Materials and Structures | 09641726, 1361665X | IOP Publishing Ltd. | 0.913 |
94 | Journal of Green Building | 19434618, 15526100 | College Publishing | 0.312 |
95 | LOGI - Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics | 23363037 | De Gruyter Open Ltd. | 0.196 |
96 | WIT Transactions on the Built Environment | 17433509 | WITPress | 0.182 |
97 | Journal of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers | 23793244, 23793252 | National Academy of Forensic Engineers | 0.105 |
98 | Water Research | 00431354, 18792448 | Elsevier Ltd. | 3.338 |
99 | Automation in Construction | 9265805 | Elsevier | 2.443 |
100 | Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice | 9658564 | Elsevier Ltd. | 2.029 |
101 | Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives | 25901982 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.629 |
102 | Building and Environment | 3601323 | Elsevier BV | 1.584 |
103 | Journal of Composites for Construction | 10900268, 19435614 | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1.45 |
104 | Construction Innovation | 14770857, 14714175 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 0.719 |
105 | Science and Technologies: Oil and Oil Products Pipeline Transportation | 25419595, 22212701 | Pipeline Transport Institute, LLC | 0.623 |
106 | Journal of Hydro-Environment Research | 15706443 | Elsevier | 0.565 |
107 | Built Environment Project and Asset Management | 2044124X, 20441258 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 0.536 |
108 | Aqua Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society | 27098028, 27098036 | IWA Publishing | 0.512 |
109 | ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering | 09715010, 21643040 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.438 |
110 | Curved and Layered Structures | 23537396 | De Gruyter Open Ltd. | 0.324 |
111 | Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control | 20484046, 14613484 | SAGE Publications Inc. | 0.318 |
112 | Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures | 1028365X, 19969015 | Int. Association for Shell and Spatial Structures | 0.318 |
113 | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A | 22502157, 22502149 | Springer India | 0.28 |
114 | Stahlbau | 14371049, 00389145 | Wiley-Blackwell | 0.255 |
115 | Acta Logistica | 13395629 | 4S go, s.r.o | 0.218 |
116 | Journal of Rehabilitation in Civil Engineering | 23454423, 23454415 | Faculty of Civil Engineering, Semnan University | 0.182 |
117 | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | 0968090X | Elsevier Ltd. | 2.882 |
118 | Thin-Walled Structures | 2638231 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.434 |
119 | Journal of Structural Engineering | 7339445 | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1.36 |
120 | Computers and Structures | 457949 | Elsevier Ltd. | 1.259 |
121 | Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics | 1676105 | Elsevier | 1.207 |
122 | Coastal Engineering Journal | 21664250, 17936292 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 1.051 |
123 | International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology | 20460430, 20460449 | Elsevier BV | 0.835 |
124 | Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction | 19434162, 19434170 | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 0.822 |
125 | Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering | 19435460, 0733950X | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 0.673 |
126 | Journal of Hydraulic Engineering | 07339429, 19437900 | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 0.669 |
127 | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering | 20771312 | MDPI AG | 0.541 |
128 | Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance | 24705322, 24705314 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.516 |
129 | Advanced Steel Construction | 1816112X | Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction | 0.451 |
130 | Structural Engineering and Mechanics | 12254568, 15986217 | Techno Press | 0.446 |
131 | Transactions on Transport Sciences | 18029876 | Palacky University in Olomouc | 0.283 |
132 | International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace | 23746793 | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | 0.227 |
133 | Informes de la Construccion | 00200883, 19883234 | CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas | 0.22 |
134 | Military Operations Research | 2755823 | Military Operations Research Society | 0.206 |
135 | Advances in Transportation Studies | 18245463 | Aracne Editrice | 0.194 |
136 | International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology | 26007959, 21803242 | Penerbit UTHM | 0.191 |
137 | Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea | 27336239, 27336247 | Architectural Institute of Korea | 0.19 |
138 | WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics | 19918747, 22243429 | World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society | 0.174 |
139 | Chongqing Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Chongqing University | 1000582X | Editorial Board of Journal of Chongqing University | 0.17 |
140 | Fatigue of Aircraft Structures | 20817738, 23007591 | De Gruyter Open Ltd. | 0.119 |