This web page aims to provide a list of Agricultural and Biological Sciences journals. The journals are indexed in Web of Science (SCI),and Scopus.
140 Agricultural and Biological Sciences journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics.
S. No. | Journal Title | ISSN | Publisher | SJR |
1 | Natures Sciences Societes | 12401307, 17652979 | EDP Sciences | 0.172 |
2 | One Ecosystem | 23678194 | Pensoft Publishers | 0.717 |
3 | Economia Agro-Alimentare | 19724802, 11261668 | FrancoAngeli Edizioni | 0.211 |
4 | Terra | 403741 | Geographical Society of Finland | 0.17 |
5 | Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales | 23824980, 03703908 | Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences | 0.162 |
6 | Polar Geography | 19390513, 1088937X | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.765 |
7 | Nature Conservation Research | 2500008X | Fund for Support and Development of Protected Areas | 0.431 |
8 | Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A: Science | 10286276 | Springer International Publishing AG | 0.34 |
9 | South African Journal of Science | 03708462, 00382353 | Academy of Science of South Africa | 0.34 |
10 | Uniciencia | 22153470 | Universidad Nacional | 0.236 |
11 | AAPP Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali | 03650359, 18251242 | Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti | 0.208 |
12 | Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya Geografiya | 5799414 | Moskovskij Universitet | 0.197 |
13 | Granja | 13908596, 13903799 | Universidad Politecnica Salesiana | 0.181 |
14 | Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences | 23375760 | Institute for Research and Community Services, Institut Teknologi Bandung | 0.176 |
15 | Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki | 2542064X, 2500218X | Kazan Federal University | 0.135 |
16 | Arctic Science | 23687460 | Canadian Science Publishing | 0.795 |
17 | Modeling Earth Systems and Environment | 23636203, 23636211 | Springer International Publishing AG | 0.727 |
18 | Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management | 23833866, 23833572 | GJESM Publication | 0.555 |
19 | Acta Palaeobotanica | 16594 | W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences | 0.341 |
20 | Agraris | 25279238, 2407814X | Department of Agribusiness, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta | 0.331 |
21 | Rendiconti Lincei | 11206349, 17200776 | Springer-Verlag Italia Srl | 0.318 |
22 | Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa | 0035919X, 21540098 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.278 |
23 | Czech Polar Reports | 18050689, 18050697 | EMUNI Press | 0.256 |
24 | Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus | 13317768, 13317776 | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering | 0.216 |
25 | Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture | 10021248 | Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences | 0.188 |
26 | Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences | 22217630, 17274915 | Elite Scientific Forum | 0.147 |
27 | Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment | 9720626 | International Congress of Chemistry and Environment | 0.123 |
28 | Ecosystem Services | 22120416 | Elsevier BV | 1.956 |
29 | International Journal of Agricultural Management | 20473710 | Institute of Agricultural Management | 0.128 |
30 | Molecular Systems Biology | 17444292 | Wiley-Blackwell | 6.22 |
31 | Biometrics | 0006341X, 15410420 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1.348 |
32 | Biology Direct | 17456150 | BioMed Central Ltd. | 1.117 |
33 | npj Microgravity | 23738065 | Nature Publishing Group | 0.859 |
34 | Mathematical Biosciences | 255564 | Elsevier Inc. | 0.732 |
35 | Journal of Theoretical Biology | 10958541, 00225193 | Academic Press Inc. | 0.566 |
36 | Agricultural Finance Review | 00021466, 20416326 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 0.514 |
37 | New Medit | 15945685 | Bononia University Press | 0.308 |
38 | Agris On-line Papers in Economics and Informatics | 18041930 | Faculty of Economics and Management CULS Prague | 0.306 |
39 | Journal of Applied Biomedicine | 12140287, 1214021X | University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice Faculty of Health and Social Sciences | 0.285 |
40 | Landscape Architecture and Art | 22558640, 22558632 | Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies | 0.264 |
41 | Nativa | 23187670 | Federal University of Mato Grosso | 0.169 |
42 | Texas Water Journal | 21605319 | Texas A&M University Texas Water Resources Institute | 0.154 |
43 | Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology | 13468073 | Japanese Society of Sericultural Sciences | 0.115 |
44 | Asian Textile Journal | 9713425 | G P S Kwatra | 0.1 |
45 | PLoS Biology | 15449173, 15457885 | Public Library of Science | 4.005 |
46 | Biometrika | 14643510, 00063444 | Oxford University Press | 3.566 |
47 | BMC Biology | 17417007 | BioMed Central Ltd. | 2.324 |
48 | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences | 9628452 | The Royal Society | 1.898 |
49 | Mammal Review | 03051838, 13652907 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 1.672 |
50 | Fungal Systematics and Evolution | 25893823, 25893831 | Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute | 1.376 |
51 | Environmental and Sustainability Indicators | 26659727 | Elsevier BV | 0.95 |
52 | Biology | 20797737 | Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | 0.779 |
53 | Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics | 10857117, 15372693 | Springer New York | 0.711 |
54 | ZooKeys | 13132970, 13132989 | Pensoft Publishers | 0.689 |
55 | Bulletin of Mathematical Biology | 00928240, 15229602 | Springer New York | 0.591 |
56 | BioMetals | 15728773, 09660844 | Springer Netherlands | 0.559 |
57 | Biodiversity Data Journal | 13142828 | Pensoft Publishers | 0.46 |
58 | Comptes Rendus - Biologies | 17683238, 16310691 | Academie des sciences | 0.454 |
59 | Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education | 19357877, 19357885 | American Society for Microbiology | 0.452 |
60 | International Agrophysics | 2368722 | Polish Academy of Sciences | 0.431 |
61 | Life Sciences in Space Research | 22145532, 22145524 | Elsevier BV | 0.408 |
62 | Advances in Agriculture | 23147539, 2356654X | Hindawi | 0.399 |
63 | Journal of the Textile Institute | 17542340, 00405000 | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.384 |
64 | Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection | 24689270, 24689289 | Elsevier BV | 0.372 |
65 | Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCE | 07339437, 19434774 | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 0.372 |
66 | Open Life Sciences | 23915412 | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | 0.365 |
67 | BioRisk | 13132644, 13132652 | Pensoft Publishers | 0.297 |
68 | Journal of Water and Land Development | 14297426, 20834535 | Polish Academy of Sciences | 0.281 |
69 | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A | 22502157, 22502149 | Springer India | 0.28 |
70 | Rural Sustainability Research | 22560939 | Sciendo | 0.276 |
71 | Studies in Agricultural Economics | 14182106, 20630476 | NAIK Research Institute of Agricultural Economics | 0.274 |
72 | Russian Peasant Studies | 25001809 | Russian Presidental Academy of National Economy and Public Administration | 0.271 |
73 | Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health | 10747583 | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers | 0.263 |
74 | Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomia Medellin | 03042847, 22487026 | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | 0.237 |
75 | Baghdad Science Journal | 24117986, 20788665 | University of Baghdad | 0.23 |
76 | International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics | 20545827, 20545819 | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd | 0.23 |
77 | Historia Agraria | 11391472 | Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona | 0.224 |
78 | Etudes Rurales | 142182 | Editions EHESS: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales | 0.22 |
79 | Doklady Biological Sciences | 00124966, 16083105 | Pleiades Publishing | 0.216 |
80 | Fluoride - Quarterly Reports | 22534083, 00154725 | International Society for Fluoride Research | 0.211 |
81 | Makara Journal of Science | 23391995, 23560851 | Universitas Indonesia | 0.198 |
82 | Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology | 25409573, 25409581 | Universitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Biology | 0.185 |
83 | Notulae Scientia Biologicae | 20673264 | Horticulture and Forestry Society from Transylvania | 0.177 |
84 | Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences | 22895981, 2289599X | Penerbit UTM Press | 0.17 |
85 | Journal of Global Innovations in Agricultural Sciences | 27884538, 27884546 | Society for Innovative Agriculture, University of Agriculture | 0.161 |
86 | Ukrainian Antarctic Journal | 24153087, 17277485 | State Institution National Antarctic Scientific Center of the Ministry of Education | 0.16 |
87 | Defence Life Science Journal | 24560537 | Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre (DESIDOC) | 0.158 |
88 | Journal of Applied and Natural Science | 09749411, 22315209 | Applied and Natural Science Foundation | 0.156 |
89 | Revista Brasileira de Biometria | 19830823 | Universidade Federal de Lavras -Departamento de Estatistica | 0.145 |
90 | Techniques - Sciences - Methodes | 2997258 | Assoc. Generale des Hygienistes et Techniciens Municipaux | 0.139 |
91 | Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad and Divulgacion Cientifica | 26192551, 01234226 | Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A | 0.114 |
92 | Journal of the Ghana Science Association | 8553823 | Ghana Science Association | 0.111 |
93 | Indian Silk | 196355 | Central Silk Board | 0.104 |
94 | Pakistan Textile Journal | 482757 | 0.1 | |
95 | Water Biology and Security | 27727351 | Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences | |
96 | Biological Reviews | 1469185X, 14647931 | Wiley-Blackwell | 4.388 |
97 | Current Biology | 18790445, 09609822 | Cell Press | 2.806 |
98 | Communications Biology | 23993642 | Springer Nature | 2.251 |
99 | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences | 09628436, 14712970 | The Royal Society | 2.084 |
100 | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | 14678276, 00029092 | John Wiley & Sons Inc. | 2.075 |
101 | Physics of Life Reviews | 18731457, 15710645 | Elsevier | 1.848 |
102 | Database : the journal of biological databases and curation | 17580463 | Oxford University Press | 1.786 |
103 | European Review of Agricultural Economics | 14643618, 01651587 | Oxford University Press | 1.645 |
104 | IMA Fungus | 22106359, 22106340 | International Mycological Association | 1.616 |
105 | Evolution; international journal of organic evolution | 15585646, 00143820 | Wiley-Blackwell | 1.503 |
106 | Science China Life Sciences | 16747305, 18691889 | Science Press (China) | 1.449 |
107 | Journal of Agricultural Economics | 14779552, 0021857X | Wiley-Blackwell | 1.438 |
108 | Evolutionary Applications | 17524571 | Wiley-Blackwell | 1.374 |
109 | Biological Research | 07176287, 07169760 | BioMed Central Ltd. | 1.294 |
110 | Paleobiology | 00948373, 19385331 | Cambridge University Press | 1.063 |
111 | Astrobiology | 15578070, 15311074 | Mary Ann Liebert Inc. | 1.05 |
112 | MycoKeys | 13144057, 13144049 | Pensoft Publishers | 1.025 |
113 | Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series B: Physical and Biological Sciences | 13492896, 03862208 | Japan Academy | 1.015 |
114 | Environmental Microbiology Reports | 17582229 | Wiley-Blackwell | 0.972 |
115 | Biology Methods and Protocols | 23968923 | Oxford University Press | 0.963 |
116 | China Agricultural Economic Review | 1756137X, 17561388 | Emarald Group Publishing Ltd | 0.947 |
117 | Mycological Progress | 1617416X | Springer Verlag | 0.897 |
118 | Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics | 1364985X, 14678489 | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 0.83 |
119 | Biology Open | 20466390 | Company of Biologists Ltd | 0.824 |
120 | Emerging topics in life sciences | 23978554, 23978562 | Portland Press, Ltd. | 0.809 |
121 | Parasite | 1252607X, 17761042 | EDP Sciences | 0.803 |
122 | Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine | 17464269 | BioMed Central Ltd. | 0.786 |
123 | Agricultural and Food Economics | 21937532 | SpringerOpen | 0.774 |
124 | Journal of Mathematical Biology | 03036812, 14321416 | Springer Verlag | 0.739 |
125 | PeerJ | 21678359 | PeerJ Inc. | 0.695 |
126 | Biology and Philosophy | 15728404, 01693867 | Springer Netherlands | 0.684 |
127 | International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture | 22517715, 21953228 | Islamic Azad University, Department of Mechanical Engineering | 0.68 |
128 | Cryobiology | 00112240, 10902392 | Academic Press Inc. | 0.669 |
129 | Diversity | 14242818 | Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | 0.641 |
130 | Journal of Future Foods | 27725669 | Beijing Academy of Food Sciences | 0.613 |
131 | Journal of Agriculture and Food Research | 26661543 | Elsevier BV | 0.588 |
132 | Journal of Biosciences | 2505991 | Springer India | 0.586 |
133 | Frontiers in Agronomy | 26733218 | Frontiers Media S.A. | 0.567 |
134 | Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies | 20440847, 20440839 | Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. | 0.539 |
135 | Journal of Biological Research | 1790045X, 22415793 | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | 0.52 |
136 | Mathematical Population Studies | 08898480, 1547724X | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0.506 |
137 | Agricultural Economics (Czech Republic) | 0139570X, 18059295 | Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences | 0.49 |
138 | Journal of Agricultural & Applied Economics | 10740708 | Cambridge University Press | 0.486 |
139 | Journal of Cotton Research | 20965044, 25233254 | BioMed Central Ltd. | 0.483 |
140 | PhytoKeys | 13142003, 13142011 | Pensoft Publishers | 0.471 |