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(New) Fast Publication Civil and Structural Engineering Journals

This web page aims to provide a list of fast Civil and Structural Engineering journals. The provided journals are highly reputable (SCI, Scopus indexed).

List of fast publication Civil and Structural Engineering journals

100 fast publishing Civil and Structural Engineering journals fetched
S. No.Journal TitleISSNPublisherProcessing Time (Weeks)
1Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 1443-9255Electronic Journals for Science and Engineering - International10
2CivilEng, 2673-4109MDPI AG11
3Sustainable Structures2789-3111, 2789-312XSustainable Development Press Limited10
4Al-Qadisiyah Journal for Engineering Science1998-4456, 2411-7773University of Al-Qadisiyah10
5Eng, 2673-4117MDPI AG11
6Nigerian Journal of Technology0331-8443, 2467-8821University of Nigeria11
7Hittite Journal of Science and Engineering, 2148-4171Hitit University10
8International Journal of Research and Innovations in Science and Technology, 2394-3866SAINTGITS College of Engineering10
9Rock Mechanics Bulletin, 2773-2304KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.10
10Designs, 2411-9660MDPI AG11
11Paragraphs Environmental Design, 2960-2874Paragraphs Media Publishing11
12Structural Heart2474-8706, 2474-8714Elsevier10
13e-Zbornik. Elektronički Zbornik Radova Građevinskog Fakulteta, 2232-9080University of Mostar, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy10
14Revista Eídos1390-499X, 1390-5007Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial10
15Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион:Технические науки2072-3059, Penza State University Publishing House10
16Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering, 2667-1433KeAi Communications Co. Ltd.10
17Vision, 2411-5150MDPI AG11
18Vestnik Ûžno-Uralʹskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta: Seriâ Ènergetika1990-8512, 2409-1057Publishing center of the South Ural State University10
19Carpathian Journal of Electrical Engineering1843-7583, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca10
20IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications, 2644-1241IEEE11
21Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska2083-0157, 2391-6761Lublin University of Technology10
22ACS Engineering Au, 2694-2488American Chemical Society11
23Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture2079-052X, 2079-0538College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates10
24Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design2217-379X, 2217-9860University of Novi Sad10
25Мелиорация и гидротехника, 2712-9357Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems10
26International Journal of Research and Applied Technology2810-0662, 2807-7229Universitas Komputer Indonesia10
27Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri1412-6869, 2460-4038Muhammadiyah University Press10
28Indonesian Journal of Physics2301-8151, 2987-0828Institut Teknologi Bandung10
29Electrical engineering & Electromechanics2074-272X, 2309-3404National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"10
30Journal of Human Rights, Culture and Legal System2807-2979, 2807-2812Lembaga Contrarius Indonesia10
31Reusam2338-4735, 2722-5100LPPM Universitas Malikussaleh10
32The School of Public Policy Publications2560-8312, 2560-8320University of Calgary10
33Jurnal Fuaduna2614-8137, 2614-8129IAIN Bukittinggi10
34Digital Transformation and Society2755-0761, 2755-077XEmerald Publishing10
35Emerging Science Journal, 2610-9182Ital Publication10
36J, 2571-8800MDPI AG10
37The Nucleus0029-5698, 2306-6539Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (PINSTECH)11
38Journal of Industrial Engineering and Halal Industries2722-8150, 2722-8142UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Faculty of Science and Technology, Industrial Engineering Department10
39IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2644-1276IEEE10
40Romanian Journal of Transport Infrastructure, 2286-2218Sciendo10
41Organogenesis1547-6278, 1555-8592Taylor & Francis Group10
42GeoScience Engineering, 1802-5420VSB-Technical University of Ostrava10
43تصمیم گیری و تحقیق در عملیات2538-5097, 2676-6159Ayandegan Institute of Higher Education, Tonekabon,10
44Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион: Общественные науки2072-3016, Penza State University Publishing House10
45Jambura Journal of Mathematics2654-5616, 2656-1344Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo10
46Chemistry and Materials2828-271X, 2828-2310The Center for Science Innovation11
47Progress in Color, Colorants and Coatings2008-2134, 2383-1790Institute for Color Science and Technology10
48Redai dili1001-5221, Editorial Committee of Tropical Geography10
49Plasma, 2571-6182MDPI AG10
50Oceans, 2673-1924MDPI AG11
51EAI Endorsed Transactions on Mobile Communications and Applications, 2032-9504European Alliance for Innovation (EAI)10
52Revista de Ciências Agroambientais1679-1509, 1677-6062Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso10
53Management Systems in Production Engineering2299-0461, 2450-5781Sciendo10
54Informes Científicos y Técnicos (Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral), 1852-4516Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral10
55Reactions, 2624-781XMDPI AG11
56Transplantology, 2673-3943MDPI AG11
57International Journal of Advances in Signal and Image Sciences, 2457-0370XLESCIENCE10
58مهندسی منابع آب2008-6377, 2423-7191Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University10
59Journal of Dairy Science0022-0302, 1525-3198Elsevier10
60Journal of Analytic Divinity, 2602-3792Journal of Analytic Divinity10
61Scientia et Fides2300-7648, 2353-5636Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika10
62Poiésis, 2177-8566Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)10
63Fronteiras2595-377X, 2595-3788Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (UNICAP)10
64Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион: Физико-математические науки2072-3040, Penza State University Publishing House10
65Соціальна економіка2524-2547, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University10
66Türk Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2587-0890Tutad1
67Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi1018-8851, 2548-1207Ege University Press10
68Doğal Afetler ve Çevre Dergisi, 2528-9640Artvin Corun University10
69Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics, 2473-0114SAGE Publishing10
70Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2002-2867Stockholm University Press11
71International Journal of Advanced Studies2328-1391, 2227-930XScience and Innovation Center Publishing House10
72Smart Agricultural Technology, 2772-3755Elsevier11
73Journal of Dental Research and Review2348-2915, 2348-3172Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications11
74Journal of Laboratory Medicine2567-9430, 2567-9449De Gruyter10
75Sustainable Operations and Computers, 2666-4127KeAi Communications Co. Ltd.11
76Green Synthesis and Catalysis, 2666-5549KeAi Communications Co. Ltd.10
77Reproduction and Breeding, 2667-0712KeAi Communications Co. Ltd.11
78Electrochem, 2673-3293MDPI AG11
79Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia0215-7950, 2339-2479Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia10
80Investment Management & Financial Innovations1810-4967, 1812-9358LLC "CPC "Business Perspectives"11
81Asian Journal of Social Science Research, 2600-9706UNITAR International University10
82علوم بهداشتی ایران2322-553X, 2322-4797Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences10
83Journal of Business Paradigms2459-5004, 2584-6612Business School PAR10
84Problems and Perspectives in Management1727-7051, 1810-5467LLC "CPC "Business Perspectives"11
85Bibliographica2683-2232, 2594-178XUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas10
86Carbon Resources Conversion, 2588-9133KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.10
87Trees, Forests and People, 2666-7193Elsevier10
88Surgeries, 2673-4095MDPI AG11
89Sustainable Chemistry, 2673-4079MDPI AG11
90IoT, 2624-831XMDPI AG11
91International Journal of Psychoanalysis and Education, 2035-4630Associazione di Psicoanalisi della Relazione Educativa10
92Food Science and Human Wellness, 2213-4530Tsinghua University Press10
93Romanian Military Thinking1841-4451, 1842-824XRomanian Defence Staff10
94Emergency Management Science and Technology, 2832-448XMaximum Academic Press11
95German Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Biomaterials2750-624X, 2750-6258German Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Biomaterials10
96Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Agriculture and Environment, 2068-2964Sciendo10
97Ingeniería0121-750X, 2344-8393Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas10
98Can Tho University Journal of Science2615-9422, 2815-5602CAN THO UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING HOUSE11
99Vetor0102-7352, 2358-3452Universidade Federal do Rio Grande10
100Publicaciones e Investigación1900-6608, 2539-4088Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia10

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